Maren Eline Markussen
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Maren Eline Markussen




I'm Maren Eline Markussen, a professional actress and filmmaker based in Oslo and Stockholm.

In 2011 I was given a choice: Move to Oslo and study biology, or follow your dreams and study acting in the US. That was the moment I decided to become an actress, and I haven’t looked back since.

Of course I’ve had different jobs on the side, an actor has got to eat, but nothing has ever given me as much purpose as committing to a role, and moving an audience.

When the opportunity arose for me to deepen my knowledge in filmmaking I jumped on it and moved to Stockholm to attend Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskola (UniArts). My master in The Art of Impact strengthened my knowledge in the fields of film, psychology and communication. I created my own projects and took part in the new wave of filmmaking aiming at social impact, the way I always have intended with my acting.

For the time being I am commuting between Oslo and Stockholm where I am working on producing my own material, as well as freelancing on other exciting projects (see the NEWS section for updates). Previously I’ve been based in London and New York, as well as having toured France, Belgium and Luxembourg.


“It's so funny, you go to acting school thinking you're going to learn how to be other people, but really it taught me to be myself. Because it's in understanding yourself deeply that you can lend yourself to another person's circumstances and another person's experience.”

- Lupita Nyong'o


With a BFA in Theatre Arts: Acting from LIU Post I am a strong stage actress. I have great presence, also in front of the camera. While being both a trained singer and dancer as well, I am suitable for a great variety of jobs within the entertainment industry.

Please feel free to contact me with any inquiries.


All the best,



With any inquiries, please contact me here